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It is so important to listen to what your Elders have to tell you, they have lived and experienced much more than we have! I went to visit my Grandpa in Indiana this past week and he is the most intelligent individual you might ever want to meet. He is now 91 and has been through just about everything from the Depression, fighting in WWII, working as a Pharmacist for 40 years, and has been married for 65 years to the same woman.

My Grandpa, Bob Sanders was a part of the 40th Bomber Group during WWII and was the pilot for 13 missions. He lost many loved ones during that time, but no matter what stands strong for his country to this day! Many people have come back with their ideas on what was right or wrong with the war in many regards, and the dropping of the atomic bomb being one of them. He said that if the bomb was not dropped the war would not have ended and thousands more Americans would have died. The first time he got back on American soil, they were able to make one long distance call so my grandpa called my grandma to ask her hand in marriage.20140116_120323 20140116_120437 20140116_120703

My Grandpa is a living story of the movie “Notebook”. My Grandma Jane has had Alzheimer’s disease for the past 12 years and through that time it has gotten progressively worse. She moved into a home a few years back, and Grandpa goes and visits her everyday, and reminds her of who he is. He patiently sits and talks with her for a little while, then has to return home before she gets too anxious.20140117_140249

This trip was a great reminder to listen to my elders for their words of wisdom. After all, they have experienced a lifetime of joys and trials and should be my first choice for counseling in lifetime decisions.  Thank you Grandpa for always being there for your family first and then serving your country.  Freedom is never free.20140117_125226

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